Edu-Tech Startup Live Learning: Empowering Educators Technically & Financially

  • In online learning, making teaching intimate affairs through video playing or streaming a podcast is possible, but teachers or educators face difficulties in switching between apps. Young tech entrepreneur Krishna, Founder and CEO of Live Learning told BR that with Live Learning, we aim to solve these problems and provide a fluid platform for teachers.

 @ BR Bureau 

Krishna Founder & CEO Live Learning

The virtual teaching train has left the station and we have to be on it. Imparting knowledge online is here to stay. It might not entirely replace the conventional chalk and talk method but it is slowly finding new ground to flourish. It might serve as an exceptional replacement for various professions. Many gym instructors have opted to give online lessons, so have a few chefs and bakers. The market is widening because the possibilities are endless but so is the stress and tension of handling online teaching seamlessly.

Young Edu-Tech entrepreneur Krishna has come out with innovations which empower teachers or educator both technically and financially. He started his Edu-Tech Startup Live Learning amid COVID-19 crisis and now embarks upon a new journey to transform online learning or teaching.  

“Teaching or imparting knowledge be a very intimate affair. Many teachers and instructors like to add their touch to it. And in online learning, this can be in the form of creative video playing or streaming a podcast. This can be a tedious task on many days. We have found out those teachers face difficulties in switching between apps. With Live Learning, we aim to solve these problems and provide a fluid platform for teachers,” Krishna, Founder and CEO of Live Learning told BR.

“I have been researching and putting together the concept of Live Learning for about six years but 2020 felt like the right time to bring it into action. The idea was always to provide a stress-free collaborative hub to make learning more efficient,” he added.


Teachers and individual educators such as yoga instructors, musicians can charge for their classes. The payment mechanism is very smooth. There are a very minimal transactional fee and no hidden charges. This allows for a seamless process of imparting education on a single platform.

Unification of Apps

Live Learning comes with a host of tools to aid teaching. It’s a most important feature is access to all apps on one platform, saving the hassle of rushing through different apps while holding classes. This is done to bring together various apps that teachers use, like Zoom, Meet and enhance the quality of their teaching. Teachers can very easily invite students to their Google Meet classes via the Live Learning App.

No Time Barrier

Live Learning eliminates the limit barrier. There’s no time limit on the duration of teaching. It allows teachers to invite as many as 50 students. The courses listed on the app also have no capping allowing for easy sharing of courses among peers. Teachers also have the facility to create unlimited classes.

The Way Forward 

“It was important that teachers and others who use this platform have a safe and secure place. We ensured that there’s no hassle in payments. A lot of research is behind Live Learning and we hope to roll out a couple of other features very soon,” Krishna elaborated.  

Live Learning is accessible in any part of the world owing to its smooth functioning on any browser or any modern smart device with a decent Internet connection.